How to make money

How to make money

People might have noticed many ongoing social media snippets or youtube videos on how to make money but most of them fail to deliver one important thing which is quite important.

One can make money through

  • Content Writing
  • Blogging
  • Video Editing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Investing or Trading
  • Teaching/Mentoring
  • Youtube

This list will never end, they will keep mentioning one thing or the other as per the trend. Try to become pro in one particular area where people like you are struggling and see how you can deliver value to them by making their life easier. Don’t aim for profitablity first whatever you start, focus on learning. Learning and implementing things practically will give you real experience. With the leverage of that experience, run fast according to your own pace which suits you.

Remember, it took 25 years for you to earn a degree or high paying job.

It took 6 months for you to build a proper muscle when you hit the gym daily.

Time is the real currency, you will get money when you invest enough time growing your skillset.

Never live in illusion, don’t be the victim of trap which social media is creating.

P.S. It may take years to start earning passive income, if it can be achieved overnight, everyone will be on the same boat.


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