When an economy grows from 2 Trillion dollar to 5 Trillion dollar, that will be the cycle where big bull market can be seen, will the same play can happen in India too like it happened in China & USA in the past?
Money flows from developed economies to emerging economies in large chunks at this phase of time
Stock market will also get smart money trough FPI & FDI route which will be in crores daily
The sweetest spot for bull mkts is when economy grows frm $2Tn to $5Tn
Took 5 Years (2004-2009)
Hangsang went from 8500 to 32000 – 4x times
took 11 Years (1977-1988)
Dow from 700 to 12000 – 15x times
Where do you think Nifty in heading, once we reach $5Tn Economy in next coming years?
Love to hear your comments !!