There are n different ways that you can invest, there is never ending list.
Equities | Governmet Bonds | INVITs | Debentures | Annuity |
Mutual Funds | Fixed Deposits | Post office schemes | Corporate Bonds | F&O |
ETFs | Recurring Deposits | Chit Funds | Gold | NPS |
Realestate | Sweep in FD | ULIPS | Silver | P2P |
Crypto | REITs | ELSS | Commodities | Arts & NFTs |
NSC | FMPs | Bond funds | Municipal Bonds | Floating rate bonds |
Each and every investment vehicle has its own advantages & disadvantages, investor needs to understand & utilize them wisely. Don’t invest if you don’t understand because risk of not knowing something can cost you infinity. Make investments at your will, sit tight with mental peace. Never buy tensions and suffer forver.